Sunday, November 2, 2008

A new animal

I have a new animal for you all. We were at our South African neighbors house last night for dinner when we saw this opossum. This is actually the second one we saw, the first one left without eating anything. We were having dinner outside on the deck, when this one appeared on the tree. It climbed towards us and watched for a few minutes before it seemed to decide that we were safe enough to eat next to. Our neighbors have this bird feeder hanging right over the edge of the deck, and apparently opossums like bird seed. We also threw in some cheese and apple spice cake, which it enjoyed. The spice cake seemed to be a favorite. Even though we have opossums in Texas, I always thought that they were pretty ugly. But these two guys (girls?) were so cute! Anyway I just thought I'd put up some pictures that I took of it.