Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shopping experiences

There are two major grocery stores in Queensland, Woolworth's and Cole's. They close at 9:00pm M-F and close at 5:00pm on weekends. The malls and all other retail stores close at 5:00 everyday except Thursdays. On Thursdays they close at 9:00pm. You can imagine the crowds!
Restaurants, petrol stations, and bars are open late. Actually the bars are called hotels and they are open all night. After 3:00 am the bars lock the doors and continue to serve alcohol until 6:00am. Then they unlock the door and let their customers go home. Legal drinking and smoking age is 18.
I miss my Walmart one stop shopping.
One can purchase groceries at the grocery store, first aid creme, band aids, vitamins, and make up at the Chemist, wine and beer at the liquor store, books at the book store, school uniforms at the school, photo developing is done in various stores in the mall. You can't purchase a shop vac from a hardware store, you must go to an appliance store. Appliances and electronics are sold at the same store but you must check out in different lanes according to what you purchased. Oh, how I miss my Walmart! (and they say, "no dramas")

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I want to know how you found out what the bar's closing policy was?